Use the comments below to write in your experiences with Oil Pulling.
Sample testimonies of different diseases cured
There are many testimonies of disease cured from different people, differing in age, sex and duration of disease. More examples are given in my book on Oil Pulling and Healthy Habits. Sample testimonies of chronic diseases cured are appended below for showing the curative effect of oil pulling.
Forty five year old Asthma and Allergy cured
My advice to all women is, do oil pulling for all your problems you will remain healthy and your looks will improve.
– Ms.V.Lakshminarsamamba, Krishna Dt, A.P
Allergy Asthma- Exhilarating Experience

I had food allergic asthma from September 1975. By end of March ’95, I gave up the use of inhalers for asthma.
Numbness in hands and legs disappeared in April 1995.
Discomfort in my feet and joints due to walking disappeared by April ’95.
The food tastes better and I feel more energetic.
I am enjoying the freshness of mouth, good health and very sound sleep due to oil pulling.
– Prof V.R.R.M. Babu, (57 years), Geology Dept, Andhra University, Waltair
Allergic bronchitis with wheezing
– Dr. P.V.R.D.N. Prasad Sarma, (practicing since 1955), Machilipatnam, AP
Cancer cases
In case of joint pains the improvement that would have resulted in eight months with my medicines, have come within two moths of oil pulling.
For allergy, asthma and tooth diseases, the results are wonderful. My medicines must have given only temporary relief. I am hoping oil pulling will heal them totally.
– Dr.S.Chandramouli, Homeopath, Gollalamamidalam, E.G. Dt., A. P
Constipation Piles-With Oil Pulling Health Is Great Wealth
– Padma Bhusan Sri Kalogi Narayana Rao, People’s Poet, Tirupathi, A.P
Diabetes – Pregnancy – Child birth
oil pulling reduced sugar gradually and diabetes cured. The skin became clear and shining and the spots on the body disappeared.
The body became strong, teeth firm; gums healthy and the hair turned black and stopped becoming white or gray.
– Mrs AVL Umamaheswari, Commercial Tax Dept, Eluru, A.P.
– (Swami Swarupanand Bharati, (K.R.K.Chetty,IPS,D.I.G.(Retd)), Hyderabad

Blood Pressure: There has been a distinct drop. Now it is generally 130/80.
Breathlessness – Disappeared. This means increased exercise tolerance.
Insomnia: Now I have sound sleep. No longer getting up several times for going to the toilet
Snoring – Totally gone much to the satisfaction of other family members
Phlegm – It used to be a major problem. Now totally cured
Gums – Much healthier, red, and no longer bleeding
Teeth – Cleaner and healthier
Itching – Disappeared
Blood clots near the ankles – 90-95% disappeared. Skin, which used to be black, has become whitish (due to better blood circulation)
Blood vessels – Used to be bulging out prominently, especially on the back of the palms. Now the hands are smooth and arteries/veins have become soft.
Temperament – Now much more tolerant with 90% improvement
Involuntary tremors – The improvement is 40 %
Reduced limbs functioning – Especially in the right arm and leg, there is significant improvement, manifested by improved handwriting to about 60-70%
Swollen feet/ ankles – Swelling has reduced to the extent of 50-60%
Eyesight – Been using reading glasses for the past 25 years and am pleasantly surprised to manage playing bridge for the first time without spectacles
Vertigo – For the first time in my life, I had a few incidents. Investigation revealed very high blood sugar levels controlled by exercise and food control
Memory – There is much improvement in memory
General – Improved breathing, better blood circulation, better reflexes, better exercise tolerance, and cool temper and can easily walk with out fatigue
Medicines – Tapered down in a systematic manner, sleeping pills no longer needed, and Parkinson’s medicines not required
The digestion is perfect. Speed of writing, tying of turban and strength of right arm shows overall improvement. The shine and health of the skin is also improving.
– Brig (Retd) T.S.Chowdary, (63years), Janakpuri, New Delhi
Retired Civil Surgeon’s Report- Left Ventricular failure
Some minor ailments like stomatitis(inflammation of the mucus membrane of the mouth), glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), itching of skin on chest and neck, discoloration of skin have also gone.
After oil pulling, I saw my palms appeared definitely bright and full-blooded. So I went to the laboratory and got my HB tested. I was surprised to see that my hemoglobin content of blood has risen from 11gms to 12.4gms within a period of 2 months.
– Dr. N.Ranga Rao, Dy. Civil Surgeon (Retd.), Peddapuram, A.P
(Mouth) Halitosis- bad smell in Mouth
I have been suffering from bad smell in the mouth and pyorrhea for the last eight years. Mouth smell has not gone except visiting the dentist and getting things cleaned, and medication, Medication and dental cleaning was giving me only temporary relief. After five months of oil pulling bad smell in the mouth has completely gone whereas, pyorrhea has decreased and I feel confident that I will be normal without this problem. Oil pulling has helped me to bring back my self-confidence in a helpless state. With your kindness I am breathing happily and feel that you have given me rebirth.
– G.B.Rao, Rajamundry, A.P
I am one of the old patients suffering from mouth ulcer since last 12 to 15 years. After going through the article published in Kannada Prabha daily I started “OIL PULLING” twice in a day (morning & evening) from 27thof June 1995 along with medicine. During initial 2-3 months period I got only 25 % benefit. After that I got more benefit in 4-5 months period. After completing 6 months I got 100 % result and at the same time I slowly reduced my medicines. Now after completing of 7 months I have completely stopped the medicines and I have no complaints of mouth ulcer since last 2 to 3 months. So I am happy to say that I got 100 % relief/cure of my old sickness of mouth ulcer from “OIL PULLING”.
– Salamander Shiny Parkal, Manipal
Myasthenia Gravis (MG) [Double Vision]
– T.Brahmaji Rao, Pedavadlapudu, Guntur Dt. A.P
(Pains) Back Pain, Neck Pain
After finding good results myself, I started giving lectures in Telugu on “Keep Fit with Oil Pulling” in various local schools and associations and all of them are doing and most of them are very much benefited.
– Dr.V.Prabhakar(48years) MDS (Madras), Guntakal A.P
Back pain and Arthritis
I have been suffering from arthritis in the knees for the last 10 years and pain in the lower back for the last two decades. I have tried several allopathic medicines and got a temporary relief. I started doing oil pulling from Nov 17 1995 and observed miraculous changes happening. Within 5 days, my arthritis in the knees and lower back pain completely cured. It is just unbelievable how arthritis of the knees cured, which the allopathic medicines could not do.
– Subedar Juvva Gandhi, Sub-area HQ, Karnataka, Bangalore.
Knee and Ankle Pain
Though I was reading the reports of the efficacy of oil pulling in curing certain diseases in Andhra jyoti, I did not begin until my brother, got relief from asthma and advised me to practice. I was not able to sleep under a fan or in the open as my nose used to block. Cold-water bath was another curse. After practicing oil pulling, I am able to sleep right under the fan with full speed with no discomfort. The occasional asthmatic or esonophilia attacks vanished. The pain on the left knee and right ankle for three to four years are no longer there. A small eruption on my skull – five years old – vanished. – 20 years old piles – has miraculously vanished.
– Prof.T.Venugopal Rao, Principal, Vishaka Institute of Professional Studies, J.R. Nagar, Vishakapatnam, A.P
Skin– Eczema Cured
I am 79 years and have retired as a teacher. I wanted to be healthy by doing oil pulling and have been practicing once daily since November 95. I have eczema for the last 30 years on the left foot. It has been there in spite of various treatments. Similarly, on the right hand index finger eczema is there for the last 10 years. I have lower back pain for quite few years. It was called spondylitis. I have been oil pulling for the last 1 year and 8 months. Lower back pain has completely gone and no pain. Eczema on the right index finger is also cured and skin is normal. The eczema on the left foot is becoming normal with a little itching sometimes. I am sure it will also go, but the cure is simply surprising, but I am confident that the remaining symptoms of eczema on the left foot will also be cured.
– C.V.Purnachandra Rao, Chennai, T.N
Tooth Pain and Loose Teeth
I am an 86 year, aged retired public servant. I developed tooth ache. The toothache was really agonizing. I thought, I may try, being a skeptic, oil pulling before visiting the dentist. Hardly did I try it for a couple of days then the intensity of ache came down. In another two days the pain stopped totally. This pain was centered on an incisor the base of which was affected and tooth itself was shaking. Having got some relief I developed faith in its efficacy and continued the treatment for a fortnight. The affected tooth miraculously firmed up and now I am able to bite fruits and other not so hard items of food. This is a radical change….I feel thankful for this therapy.
– G.R.Bhagavannarayana,(Retd,Govt service), 86 years, Rajamundry,533 105 AP.